BAHASA INGGRIS - CONVINCING AND PERSUADING - Gunakan waktu di rumah sebaik mungkin dalam pembelajaran online hari ini.

Nama Guru : Era Susanti, S.Pd
Mapel : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas : XI
No WA : 085290593106

CONVINCING AND PERSUADING ( Meyakinkan/ membujuk)
adalah ungkapan- ungkapan yang digunakan untuk meyakinkan dan membujuk orang lain
agar menerima pendapat atau usulan yang diajukan.
Learn some expression to show persuasion.
 If I were you, I would just stay at home.
 I think you ought to……
 You would better ……
 It might be a bad idea if ……
 You should …….
 My advice would be to …..
 I would ….. if I were in your position.
Learn some expression to convince other.
 I assure you, I can do the job well.
 I convince you, I’m the right person to do job.
 I believe I am the only person who can finish this job on time.
 I assure you, we can make it real.
 I convince you to do what I say.
 I believe you should decide your own decision.
 I assure you to believe me.
Expression of persuading
Persuading is a expression to make someone agree to do something, make someone do or believe
something by giving them a good reason to do it or by talking to them and making them believe it. The act of influencing the mind by arguments or reason offered, with anything that moves the mind.
Expression of persuading:
*come on.
*give it a try.
*try them on.
*believe me, you will have fun times
*don’t be a spoilsport.
* It will be fun, I’m sure.
* you will enjoy it. Go.
*you won’t regret it.
*this is once in your lifetime, don’t waste it.
* it’s your only chance, try it.
* why don’t you….?
*how I can persuade you to …..?

Dialogue of persuading.
Mark : antoni. What are you doing this evening? How about a movie?
Antoni : which one?
Mark : there’s a good Indonesian movie at 21 theatre.
Antoni : you know I don’t like Indonesian movies.
Mark : oh, come on. I’ll sure you will enjoy this one.
Antoni : I don’t Indonesian moves, I can’t follow conversation fully.
Mark : so what? We’re not Indonesian most of us are not able to follow the conversation fully. But
there are so many other thing you can enjoy.
Antoni : that’s true.
Mark : then why don’t you come?
Antoni : all right. I’ll be at the theatre at 7. Is that ok?
Mark : fine,see you at 7.
Antoni : see you.

Dialogue of convincing
John : there will be English speech competition in my school.
Tom : so what?
John : my friend appoint me the representative of the class
Tom : that is great.
John : the problem is …..
Tom : what is the problem?
John : my English is not quite good.
Tom : your English is on the track. The grammar,structure, pronounciation, what else?
John : I am not so confident.
Tom : why not? I bet you will be one of the winners
Jhon : ok,if you think so. I will prepare myself for the competition
Tom : that is the best decition and that is my best friend.

Langkah-langkah pembelajaran :

  1. Lakukan Presesnsi terlebih dahulu dengan masuk pada link PRESENSI ONLINE
  2. Siswa selanjutnya dapat melakukan Pemahaman materi yang tertera diatas.
  3. Jika kesulitan atau tidak paham dengam materi dapat ditanyakan langsung pada guru mapel yang bersangkutan.
  4. Selesai, selamat belajar

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